Hello and welcome to my new blogpost 🙂 !
Today, after a long day work, I received some great news!
When I came home from work, the first thing I did was fill my stomach!
After my stomach was transformed in a big round bowling ball, I rolled upstairs (which is very difficult) and I turned on my computer.
Like every day, I checked my new emails.
there was 1 email that popped in my eye immediately!
The ‘Federation of European Photographers’ are hosting a second edition of the ‘FEP Emerging Talent Award’.
But what does it mean exactly?
FETA is a leading European award for photographic students and their works will be judged against photographers from across Europe.”
Basically it is a photography contest for students from Europe. Each applicant must submit a portfolio of 12 images and will need the support and approval of their institute course leader. To be included in the shortlist, the student should be under 30 years of age and their portfolio should ‘hang together’ as a unified collection. It is also recommended that the images tell a story. Each institute can only select 4 portfolios to participate.
Syntra West Selection
Each student of Syntra West (photography classes) had the chance to enter with his/her selection(s).
Our course leader Jürgen de Witte had the difficult task to select four portfolios.
My work was one of the four.

The results will be announced in November 2014, but when the winner is announced, you will read it here!
(Not as firts, BUT you wil read it here 😉 )
I’d like to thank Syntra and Jürgen for the confidence in his students
I wish all participants the best of luck!
May there be an honest and awesome winner!
Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend! 😉
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